16 Haziran 2019

Server Sent Events

The Server-Sent Events specification describes a built-in class EventSource, that keeps connection with the server and allows to receive events from it.

Similar to WebSocket, the connection is persistent.

But there are several important differences:

WebSocket EventSource
Bi-directional: both client and server can exchange messages One-directional: only server sends data
Binary and text data Only text
WebSocket protocol Regular HTTP

EventSource is a less-powerful way of communicating with the server than WebSocket.

Why should one ever use it?

The main reason: it’s simpler. In many applications, the power of WebSocket is a little bit too much.

We need to receve a stream of data from server: maybe chat messages or market prices, or whatever. That’s what EventSource is good at. Also it supports auto-reconnect, something we need to implement manually with WebSocket. Besides, it’s a plain old HTTP, not a new protocol.

Getting messages

To start receiving messages, we just need to create new EventSource(url).

The browser will connect to url and keep the connection open, waiting for events.

The server should respond with status 200 and the header Content-Type: text/event-stream, then keep the connection and write messages into it in the special format, like this:

data: Message 1

data: Message 2

data: Message 3
data: of two lines
  • A message text goes after data:, the space after the semicolon is optional.
  • Messages are delimited with double line breaks \n\n.
  • To send a line break \n, we can immediately one more data: (3rd message above).

In practice, complex messages are usually sent JSON-encoded, so line-breaks are encoded within them.

For instance:

data: {"user":"John","message":"First line\n Second line"}

…So we can assume that one data: holds exactly one message.

For each such message, the message event is generated:

let eventSource = new EventSource("/events/subscribe");

eventSource.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log("New message", event.data);
  // will log 3 times for the data stream above

// or eventSource.addEventListener('message', ...)

Cross-domain requests

EventSource supports cross-origin requests, like fetch any other networking methods. We can use any URL:

let source = new EventSource("https://another-site.com/events");

The remote server will get the Origin header and must respond with Access-Control-Allow-Origin to proceed.

To pass credentials, we should set the additional option withCredentials, like this:

let source = new EventSource("https://another-site.com/events", {
  withCredentials: true

Please see the chapter Fetch: Cross-Origin Requests for more details about cross-domain headers.


Upon creation, new EventSource connects to the server, and if the connection is broken – reconnects.

That’s very convenient, as we don’t have to care about it.

There’s a small delay between reconnections, a few seconds by default.

The server can set the recommended delay using retry: in response (in milliseconds):

retry: 15000
data: Hello, I set the reconnection delay to 15 seconds

The retry: may come both together with some data, or as a standalone message.

The browser should wait that much before reconnect. If the network connection is lost, the browser may wait till it’s restored, and then retry.

  • If the server wants the browser to stop reconnecting, it should respond with HTTP status 204.
  • If the browser wants to close the connection, it should call eventSource.close():
let eventSource = new EventSource(...);


Also, there will be no reconnection if the response has an incorrect Content-Type or its HTTP status differs from 301, 307, 200 and 204. The connection the "error" event is emitted, and the browser won’t reconnect.

Dikkate değer:

There’s no way to “reopen” a closed connection. If we’d like to connect again, just create a new EventSource.

Message id

When a connection breaks due to network problems, either side can’t be sure which messages were received, and which weren’t.

To correctly resume the connection, each message should have an id field, like this:

data: Message 1
id: 1

data: Message 2
id: 2

data: Message 3
data: of two lines
id: 3

When a message with id: is received, the browser:

  • Sets the property eventSource.lastEventId to its value.
  • Upon reconnection sends the header Last-Event-ID with that id, so that the server may re-send following messages.
Put id: after data:

Please note: the id: is appended below the message data, to ensure that lastEventId is updated after the message data is received.

Connection status: readyState

The EventSource object has readyState property, that has one of three values:

EventSource.CONNECTING = 0; // connecting or reconnecting
EventSource.OPEN = 1;       // connected
EventSource.CLOSED = 2;     // connection closed

When an object is created, or the connection is down, it’s always EventSource.CONNECTING (equals 0).

We can query this property to know the state of EventSource.

Event types

By default EventSource object generates three events:

  • message – a message received, available as event.data.
  • open – the connection is open.
  • error – the connection could not be established, e.g. the server returned HTTP 500 status.

The server may specify another type of event with event: ... at the event start.

For example:

event: join
data: Bob

data: Hello

event: leave
data: Bob

To handle custom events, we must use addEventListener, not onmessage:

eventSource.addEventListener('join', event => {
  alert(`Joined ${event.data}`);

eventSource.addEventListener('message', event => {
  alert(`Said: ${event.data}`);

eventSource.addEventListener('leave', event => {
  alert(`Left ${event.data}`);

Full example

Here’s the server that sends messages with 1, 2, 3, then bye and breaks the connection.

Then the browser automatically reconnects.

let http = require('http');
let url = require('url');
let querystring = require('querystring');

function onDigits(req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, {
    'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream; charset=utf-8',
    'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'

  let i = 0;

  let timer = setInterval(write, 1000);

  function write() {

    if (i == 4) {
      res.write('event: bye\ndata: bye-bye\n\n');

    res.write('data: ' + i + '\n\n');


function accept(req, res) {

  if (req.url == '/digits') {
    onDigits(req, res);

  fileServer.serve(req, res);


if (!module.parent) {
} else {
  exports.accept = accept;
<!DOCTYPE html>
let eventSource;

function start() { // when "Start" button pressed
  if (!window.EventSource) {
    // IE or an old browser
    alert("The browser doesn't support EventSource.");

  eventSource = new EventSource('digits');

  eventSource.onopen = function(e) {
    log("Event: open");

  eventSource.onerror = function(e) {
    log("Event: error");
    if (this.readyState == EventSource.CONNECTING) {
      log(`Reconnecting (readyState=${this.readyState})...`);
    } else {
      log("Error has occured.");

  eventSource.addEventListener('bye', function(e) {
    log("Event: bye, data: " + e.data);

  eventSource.onmessage = function(e) {
    log("Event: message, data: " + e.data);

function stop() { // when "Stop" button pressed

function log(msg) {
  logElem.innerHTML += msg + "<br>";
  document.documentElement.scrollTop = 99999999;

<button onclick="start()">Start</button> Press the "Start" to begin.
<div id="logElem" style="margin: 6px 0"></div>

<button onclick="stop()">Stop</button> "Stop" to finish.


The EventSource object communicates with the server. It establishes a persistent connection and allows the server to send messages over it.

It offers:

  • Automatic reconnect, with tunable retry timeout.
  • Message ids to resume events, the last identifier is sent in Last-Event-ID header.
  • The current state is in the readyState property.

That makes EventSource a viable alternative to WebSocket, as it’s more low-level and lacks these features.

In many real-life applications, the power of EventSource is just enough.

Supported in all modern browsers (not IE).

The syntax is:

let source = new EventSource(url, [credentials]);

The second argument has only one possible option: { withCredentials: true }, it allows sending cross-domain credentials.

Overall cross-domain security is same as for fetch and other network methods.

Properties of an EventSource object

The current connection state: either EventSource.CONNECTING (=0), EventSource.OPEN (=1) or EventSource.CLOSED (=2).
The last received id. Upon reconnection the browser sends it in the header Last-Event-ID.


Closes the connection соединение.


Message received, the data is in event.data.
The connection is established.
In case of an error, including both lost connection (will auto-reconnect) and fatal errors. We can check readyState to see if the reconnection is being attempted.

The server may set a custom event name in event:. Such events should be handled using addEventListener, not on<event>.

Server response format

The server sends messages, delimited by \n\n.

Message parts may start with:

  • data: – message body, a sequence of multiple data is interpreted as a single message, with \n between the parts.
  • id: – renews lastEventId, sent in Last-Event-ID on reconnect.
  • retry: – recommends a retry delay for reconnections in ms. There’s no way to set it from JavaScript.
  • event: – even name, must precede data:.
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